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Cross Words
Deluxe Edition
Written by Edward E. Dellow
Copyright (c) 1993, Strategic Solutions
Version 1.0
____|__ | (R)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
1.0 The shareware concept ................ 2
1.1 Definition of shareware ........... 2
1.2 Disclaimer - agreement ............ 3
1.3 Registration ...................... 4
2.0 Using Cross Words Deluxe ............ 5
2.1 What is Cross Words Deluxe? ....... 5
2.2 Computer advantages ............... 5
2.3 Hardware\Software Requirements .... 5
2.1 Cell and word cursers ............ 6
2.2 Using the menus .................. 6
2.3 Using the mouse .................. 8
2.4 Using the keyboard ............... 8
2.5 Showing clues .................... 9
2.6 Opening a new book ............... 9
2.7 The puzzle Index ................. 9
2.8 Printing ......................... 10
3.0 Support policy and Ombudsman ........ 11
1.0 The shareware concept Page 2
1.1 Definition of shareware
Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software
before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue
using it, you are expected to register. Individual programs
differ on details -- some request registration while others
require it, some specify a maximum trial period. With
registration, you get anything from the simple right to continue
using the software to an updated program with printed manual.
Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software,
and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific
exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished
programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are
of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs
and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of
distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy
and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a
specific group. For example, some authors require written
permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their
Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You
should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook,
whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes
fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy.
And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware
has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the
product, you don't pay for it.
Page 3
1.2 Disclaimer - agreement
Users of Cross Words Deluxe must accept this disclaimer of warranty:
Cross Words Deluxe is supplied as is. The author disclaims all
warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation,
the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose.
The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or conse-
quential, which may result from the use of Cross Words Deluxe.
Cross Words Deluxe is a "shareware program" and is provided at no
charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your
friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of
another system. The essence of "user-supported" software is to
provide personal computer users with quality software without
high prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to
continue to develop new products. If you find this program
useful and find that you are using Cross Words Deluxe and continue
to use Cross Words Deluxe after a reasonable trial period, you must
make a registration payment of $20.00 to Strategic Solutions. The
$20.00 registration fee will license one copy for use on any one
computer at any one time. You must treat this software just like
a book. An example is that this software may be used by any
number of people and may be freely moved from one computer
location to another, so long as there is no possibility of it
being used at one location while it's being used at another.
Just as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the
same time.
Commercial users of Cross Words Deluxe must register and pay for
their copies of Cross Words Deluxe within 30 days of first use or
their license is withdrawn. Site-License arrangements may be made
by contacting Strategic Solutions.
Anyone distributing Cross Words Deluxe for any kind of remuneration
must first contact Strategic Solutions at the address below for
authorization. This authorization will be automatically granted to
distributors recognized by the (ASP) as adhering to its guidelines
for shareware distributors, and such distributors may begin offering
Cross Words Deluxe immediately (However Strategic Solutions must
still be advised so that the distributor can be kept up-to-date with
the latest version of Cross Words Deluxe).
You are encouraged to pass a copy of Cross Words Deluxe along to your
friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their
copy if they find that they can use it. All registered users
will receive a copy of the latest version of the Cross Words Deluxe
Page 4
1.3 Registration
To register, print and fill out the file ORDERFRM.TXT. Mail it to
the address listed on the registration form. You may also print the
registration form from within Cross Words Deluxe by selecting
In addition to the registration you may order puzzle books and
Puzzle books
Each puzzle book contains 100 new puzzles.
You may order Easy, Medium (standard) or Hard (challenging) or mixed
puzzle books.
Get 12 issues of crosswords delivered to your home. Each month you
will get a new puzzle book jammed with 100 new crosswords just waiting
to be solved. In addition you will receive a bonus puzzle book each
month of 25 puzzles only available to monthly subscribers. A cross
words subscription makes a great gift! You may change the type of
puzzles you receive at any time during your subscription.
2.0 Using Cross Words Deluxe Page 5
2.1 What is Cross Words Deluxe?
Cross Words Deluxe is a software application that allows you to
solve cross word puzzles on your computer. The application
uses special puzzle books prepared by Strategic Solutions. The
evaluation copy comes with a book of 25 puzzles. The registered
version comes with 100 puzzles in your choice of Easy, Standard,
Challenging or Mixed.
As you solve puzzles, your work is automatically saved to disk so
that whenever you come back you can pick up right where you left
And if you want to take the puzzles with you when you leave the
computer, you can may printouts (up to four per page) of the
puzzles with or without your work in progress.
2.2 Computer advantages
Cross Words Deluxe has many advantages over standard puzzle
books. For one thing, you can easily peek at a single word
with out 'accidentally' seeing the other words. You can also
have the computer show you which answers are incorrect without
actually seeing the correct answers.
Unlike paper puzzle books, you can erase your answers when you
are through so that you or a friend can solve the puzzle all
over again.
One BIG advantage in a computerized puzzle book is clue assistance.
Cross Words Deluxe has two forms of clue assistance. You fill out
the puzzle by moving a cursor around and typing. As you move the
cursor into a cell on the crossword, the clue for both the Across
and Down words are highlighted. In the Show All Clues mode you
can also click the mouse on a clue to find where the word is in
the puzzle. This clue assistance totally eliminates the need to
scan back and forth between the puzzle and the clues.
The final and perhaps best reason for computer crossword puzzles
is that they are just plain fun! Play them on your home computer
for a relaxing evening or load in on your laptop to fill time
on that next business trip.
2.3 Hardware\Software Requirements
Cross Words Deluxe is a windows application. It should run on any
configuration supported by windows. It is recommended however that
you have a 386 or better and a VGA monitor. The application
automatically takes maximum advantage of your displays resolution.
This means that it will work on an EGA but may be difficult
to read in All Clues Mode. It works well on a standard VGA and
great on Super VGA.
Page 6
2.1 Cell and word Cursors
Cross Words Deluxe maintains a cursor on one cell of the crossword.
This is independent of the mouse cursor maintained by windows. In
addition to the cell cursor, a word cursor will be highlighted. The
word cursor is either the horizontal (across) or vertical (down) word
which contains the cell cursor.
As you type, the character will be placed at the cell cursor and then
the cell cursor will move to the next character in the word cursor.
When you fill out the last character in a word, the word and cell
cursers will move to the next word in the same direction.
You may move the cell cursor by pressing any of the four cursor keys.
If the cell cursor moves another word, the word cursor will move with
You may move to the next word in the same direction by pressing tab or
the previous word in the same direction by pressing shift-tab. You
may also move the word/cell cursers to any word at random by clicking
on a cell with the left mouse button or by clicking on the clue if all
clues are shown.
You can toggle the word cursor between an across word and a down word
by pressing enter or clicking the right mouse button anywhere on the
2.2 Using the menus
Open Puzzle book Opens a new puzzle book.
Save Work Saves your work in progress. Your work is also
saved anytime you change puzzles, books or quit
Cross words
Next page Displays the next page (puzzle) in the current
puzzle book You may also go to the next page by
pressing <Alt-N>.
Prev page Displays the previous page (puzzle) in the
current puzzle book You may also go to the
previous page by pressing <Alt-P>.
Index Displays an index of puzzles in the current
book. You may select a puzzle to jump to.
You may also get an index list by pressing
(see The Puzzle index)
Page 7
Erase page Erases all work from the current puzzle. This
allows someone else to work the puzzle without
the benefit of your progress. You will be
prompted to confirm this action before the
puzzle is erased.
Print Allows you to print one or more puzzles
(see Printing)
Print setup Allows you to specify the destination for
printing puzzles as well as the size and
orientation of the paper supply.
Exit Exits from Crosswords. Your current work in
progress will be saved along with the name of
the current book and the current puzzle number.
The next time you start Crosswords you will
resume right where you left off.
Peek at solution Fills in the correct answer for the word at the
word cursor.
Show correct words Shows you which characters and words you have
correct so far. All the correct words will
remain black and all incorrect words will become
Sound Toggles sound on and off. A little tune is played
when you complete a crossword puzzle or show the
about box. A check mark beside the menu option
indicates that sound is on.
Show all clues Toggles between all clue and single clue mode
(see Showing clues )
Uppercase Clues Toggles between all uppercase clues and mixed
case clues. The advantage to uppercase clues
is that they are more easily read on lower
resolution moinitors.
About Crosswords Shows the product name and author. Will also
play a little tune if sound is on
Help on using help Opens a windows help dialog that explains how
to use help
Help Index Opens a windows help dialog that shows you the
index of help available for Crosswords.
Page 8
2.3 Using the mouse
Clicking on a cell Single clicking the left mouse button on a
crossword cell moves the cursor to that location.
The appropriate clue will be displayed for the
new cursor locations.
Clicking on a clue When all clues are shown, single clicking the left
mouse button on a clue move the cursor to that
location. If will also change the cursor
orientation (across or down) to that of the
selected clue.
Orientation You may also change the orientation (across or
down) by clicking the right mouse button anywhere
in the cross word window.
2.4 Using the keyboard
Enter key Toggles the clue direction between Across and
Down. A single across word or down word is
highlighted to indicate the current direction.
When a character is typed in the highlighted word,
the cursor will move to the next character in
that word or, if the cursor is on the last
character in the highlighted word, the cursor
will move to the first character of the next word
in the same direction.
Tab key Moves to the first character of the next word
in the same direction (e.g. if an across word is
highlighted, the cursor will move to the next
across word, if the cursor is on a down word,
the cursor will move to the next downword.
If all clues are displayed, the clue for both the
across and down word will be highlighted in the
clue section. If only a single across and down
clue is displayed, the clues will be refreshed
for the new word.
Pressing Shift-Tab will move the cursor to the
previous word in the same direction.
Arrow keys The four arrow keys will move the cell cursor
in the specified direction. If the cell cursor
moves to another word, the word cursor will
also move.
Page 9
2.5 Showing clues
When working a crossword, you have the option of showing all clues or
only the clues at the cursor. You toggle between the two modes with
the menu item Options:Show all clues
Showing all clues Showing all the clues has the advantage of seeing
all clues at any point in time and allows you to
select a clue with the mouse for navigation in the
Showing a single clue Showing a single clue (one across and one down)
reserves more space for the puzzle thus allowing
you to work the crossword puzzle in a smaller
window or on a lower resolution display.
2.6 Opening a new puzzle book
Allows you to open a different installed puzzle book. The dialog box
contains two lists.
Puzzle books Allows you to choose a book in the current
directory. You may double-click on a book to
open it or you may single-click on it and then
press the OK button.
Dirs and Drives Allows you to change the default drive or
directory of puzzle books. Each time you click
in this list, the left list will display the
puzzles at that location. The path shown at
the top of the screen will change to reflect
the new location.
2.7 The Puzzle Index
The puzzle index is a list of all puzzles in the current book. You
may move to any puzzle by double-clicking on the puzzle or by single
clicking and then pressing the OK button.
Page 10
2.8 Printing
The print dialog box allows you to select multiple options before
Print range Allows you to specify a range of puzzles to
print. A valid range is one of the following:
Entire puzzle book Selects the entire puzzle book for printing
Current puzzle Selects only the current page for printing
Range of puzzles Selects a range of puzzles to be printed.
If you choose this option, you must specify
a range in the From and to boxes.
Answers Allows you to specify what answer information
will appear in the printed puzzles. Valid answer
settings include:
None Leave all the cells empty
Work in progress Displays the progress you have made so far
(right or wrong!). This option allows you
to continue solving your puzzle on paper
should you leave your computer.
Correct answers Show the correct answers to the puzzle in
the cells.
Page layout Allows you to change the layout of the puzzles
on the page. There may also be several printer
specific layout options on the setup dialog box.
These include paper size and orientation.
Margins Contains four data-entry fields for Left,
Right, Top, and Bottom. This fields allow
you to specify page margins in inches.
This may be useful if you wish to put your
puzzles in a book.
Puzzles per page Allows you to specify 1, 2 or 4 puzzles
per page.
3.0 Support Policy Page 11
Strategic Solutions provides user support to registered versions via
mail, telephone, and CompuServe Information Service (R). for 3 months
after registration.
Strategic Solutions will answer questions and fix serious bugs during
the three month period. For problems involving a specific hardware or
software environment or feature, we may choose not to modify the
program. In that case, if a problem is reported within three months
after purchase, then we shall offer to refund the user's purchase
If a program bug prevents you from evaluating Cross Words Deluxe
during the first 30 days (prior to registration), Strategic Solutions
will attempt to assist but is not under obligation to resolve issues
beyond our control.
Phone : (817) 232-8781
CIS : 71321,2745
Address : Strategic Solutions
7908 Firefly
Fort Worth, Texas 76137
You may share Cross Words Deluxe with others for the purpose of
evaluation as long as it's unaltered and distributed in its
Strategic Solutions is a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help
you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not
provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the
ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a
Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.